Contaminated Land to Wastewater, our Environmental Engineering Team are Experts

Contaminated Land to Wastewater, our Environmental Engineering Team are Experts

We’ve recently completed a number of projects in the Canterbury region involving stormwater and wastewater discharge consents.  These include several stormwater discharge consents on contaminated land, where the stormwater discharges have not been covered by Christchurch City Council’s global stormwater discharge consent. The wastewater discharge consents have involved retrospective assessments of factory derived domestic wastewater and trade waste against the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan rules to confirm whether or not regional discharge consents were required.

Work has also been busy in the Auckland region, including applying for resource consents for a bore water take for irrigation of upgraded sportsfields (sand carpets) at the Opaheke sportsfield near Papakura and an associated rainwater harvesting water supply for proposed Changing Rooms and Clubrooms at the same park. There has also been some interesting Court work:

  • We successfully managed to change the designation extent for an industrial client in Onehunga, whose operational viability was threatened as a result of a proposed land take for the major East West Link roading project.
  • We acted as a stormwater expert witness for a private client, appearing before the Regulatory Committee of Auckland Council in a dispute over a proposed land take for an overland flowpath which would significantly reduce the development potential of our client’s land.

Contaminated land work continues to be busy, including commissions to undertake further work in the Redhills area (NW Auckland), where we have already completed extensive detailed site investigations as part of recent successful plan change processes to rezone this land for residential development.

Sean Finnigan, Director Environmental Engineering