Infill Development Opportunities under the Auckland Unitary Plan

Infill Development Opportunities under the Auckland Unitary Plan

In November 2016 the proposed Auckland Unitary plan was issued as being operative in part. The Unitary Plan which was first notified in September 2013 provides the planning rule book for the Auckland Super City.

The Key drivers of the plan were to create a higher quality and more compact Auckland City. The Unitary Plan has simplified the residential zones throughout Auckland with six zones created to allow for different levels of housing intensity.
The residential zones which allow for infill development opportunities include the following:
– Single house zone
– Mixed housing suburban zone
– Mixed housing urban zone
– Terrace housing and apartments building zones.

If your property falls within one of the above residential zones then there may be opportunity to complete an infill development. This may only be limited to one additional dwelling depending on the zoning, area of your property, and the ability to service the property.

Fraser Thomas can complete a desktop assessment of your property to provide you with a summary of any potential infill opportunities. Should a more detailed assessment be required to assess the opportunities we can provide you with a comprehensive services offer covering the provision of planning, surveying and engineering services.

The planning standards for the individual residential zones have been written to allow infill development to be driven by design rather than using a density control. This then puts the emphasis on the applicants draftsman or housing company to come up with dwelling designs which show compliance with the planning standards.

This form of planning assessment has opened up opportunities for properties to now be developed when previously under the old district plans they may not have had potential to do so.

If you have a residential property where you think there may be sufficient space to accommodate an additional dwelling, contact us today and we can provide a free desktop review.