Retirement Village 
Botany Road, Howick

A Retirement Living Developer selected Fraser Thomas for various works of a 45 Unit Retirement Village on Botany Road, Howick

Retirement Village – Botany Road, Howick

Fraser Thomas were commissioned by a Retirement Living Developer to complete a 45 Unit Retirement Village on the site.

Surveying services provided included completion of a topographical site survey, obtaining a Resource Consent for subdivision from Manukau City Council, setting out and asbuilting of services, roads and dwellings. On completion of the dwellings, staged unit title subdivisions were completed.


Civil engineering involved design and construction observation of all services for the 45 lots:


  • Earthworks plan including for new roading with access from Mirrabooka Avenue
  • New extensions for public stormwater, and wastewater throughout the site. (Collection of stormwater runoff from the internal roads via suitably placed catchpits was a key component on this sloping site)
  • Reticulation of a new 100mm firemain and associated meters
  • Reticulation of a new water main for servicing each lot
  • Liaison with Vector for transformer, power cables to service each dwelling, and for low level “owner-friendly” street lighting
  • Liaison with Chorus for design of phone cable layout and ensuring coordination of construction together with water main construction
  • Roading and associated footpath design, including for pedestrian access to Botany Road.


While construction of services was carried out early in the project, final kerb/channel construction and a new reinforced concrete road throughout the site was staged to be just in advance of the 9 stages of dwelling construction.


Three protected trees were incorporated into the overall design to provide an established look – they have enhanced the overall appearance of the development.

Services Provided:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Subdivision & Land Development
  • Resource Management


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