
Our engineering specialists create the infrastructure critical for modern life.

Sustainable, purpose driven design delivers peace of mind for project success.


We can lead you through the resource consenting process, working through concept, preliminary and detailed design, tendering and construction observation to turn your project into reality.

Whether it’s a simple house extension, environmentally friendly holiday home or a major water infrastructure investment to secure your cities water supply or enhance community flood protection, our expertise takes your project vision to fruition.

Water Supply

Fraser Thomas Water services include:

  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Water supply and treatment
  • Water reticulation, pumping and network modelling
  • Groundwater takes and bore pumping systems

Fraser Thomas have extensive experience in roading and pavement design both in New Zealand and Internationally. Our civil teams also undertake resource consenting, contract preparation and supervision.


All roading and pavement design works take into consideration:

  • Geotechnical investigations
  • Stormwater treatment and disposal
  • Retaining works investigation
  • Subgrade improvement and stability

Fraser Thomas has the technical knowhow to comprehensively cover all aspects of pump station design including wet well and dry well application, piping and valving for pumped wastewater, stormwater and water conveyance.


Fraser Thomas has the specialist knowledge carry out whole of project undertakings for engineered earth fill water retaining structures. Applications include flood protection and attenuation to aesthetic and environmental detention. Our multi-discipline teams provide:

  • Dam and levee location and siting refinement
  • Design modelling and quantities
  • Geotechnical investigations, fill sourcing and testing
  • Earthquake and stability analysis
  • Construction documentation and monitoring
  • Planning and consenting

Fraser Thomas stormwater services include integrated catchment management planning.

Our expertise also covers low impact, appropriate technology, stormwater solutions, Water sensitive design, Stormwater reticulation, treatment and disposal, Watercourse infrastructure assessment surveys, Flood assessments and modelling.

Fraser Thomas have specialist skills in on-site wastewater management (TP58), decentralised sewerage, system design, consenting and certification including cost effective upgrades of existing wastewater systems. We have been at the forefront in the development of appropriate wastewater technology in New Zealand, including oxidation ponds, aerated lagoons, wetlands, irrigation of municipal effluent, milliscreens, and decentralised sewerage and are recognised for its innovation, cultural sensitivity and consultation skills in this area.

The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

Residential Development, Papakura

These 4 single storeys dwellings at 40 Kelvin Road, Papakura is one of the many residential developments in which the Fraser Thomas team has provided consultancy services.

Swan Road Developments, Te Kauwhata

This 8.73 ha site at 25 Swan Road, Te Kauwhata, was developed into a 95 lot residential subdivision in which Fraser Thomas provided their expertise.

Forensic Investigation and Remedial Works – Arkles Bay

Fraser Thomas undertook a Forensic investigation of an existing house at Arkles Bay, subject to significant geotechnical and stormwater issues as well as providing multi-disciplinary engineering services.

Call us today to discuss your project

Auckland 09 278 7078

Tauranga 07 220 9277

Hawke’s Bay 06 211 2766

Christchurch 03 358 5936

Blenheim 03 428 3292

Nelson 03 222 1132