

From structural design to seismic assessments, Fraser Thomas can assist with ensuring your building is up to code.

Seismic Assessments

Fraser Thomas’ Structural Engineers can provide Seismic Assessments of Existing Buildings which is now required as the assessment component of the earthquake prone building regulations and EPB Methodology which came into force on 1 July 2017.

An Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA) provides a broad indication of the expected performance of a building taking into account its type and age of construction, local seismicity, ground conditions and usage. Depending on the outcome, we may need to carry out a more comprehensive Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA). A DSA may ultimately result in the requirement for seismic strengthening to the building.

Structural Assessment Reports

A structural assessment report would generally include the following:


  • Describe the building construction including materials
  • Report on all the structural damage
  • Analyse the issues to determine if they are of structural concern
  • Advise on structural repair methods and solutions
  • Report on the physical ground’s condition e.g. evidence of liquefaction, lateral spreading etc.
  • Monitor the structural repairs during construction stage
  • Report on structural repairs and provide engineering “sign-off” / producer statements

The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

Residential House – Expansive Soil Damage Remediation

When you find large cracks appearing in your walls you know something is wrong. With suburbs expanding outwards, construction over poor soils occurs more often and may result in movement in the structure.

Impact Damage Remediation – Dairy, Kirkbride Road

Following damage sustained to the front of this dairy in Mangere, Fraser Thomas provided design and construction supervision services required to remediate the building.

Geotechnical Assessments of Sites Affected by the Canterbury Earthquakes

Following the Canterbury sequence of earthquakes, Fraser Thomas has been involved in undertaking geotechnical investigations and appraisals for properties in Christchurch.

Call us today to discuss your project

Auckland 09 278 7078

Tauranga 07 220 9277

Hawke’s Bay 06 211 2766

Christchurch 03 358 5936

Blenheim 03 428 3292

Nelson 03 222 1132