
Fraser Thomas’s Environmental Engineering team has a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience from a large variety of projects spanning over 35 years. 


At a personal level we care about protecting and enhancing the environment, during our lifetimes and for future generations.

We can assist you with a wide range of specialist environmental consultancy services including:



Fraser Thomas have specialist skills in on-site wastewater management (TP58), decentralised sewerage, system design, consenting and certification including cost effective upgrades of existing wastewater systems. We have been at the forefront in the development of appropriate wastewater technology in New Zealand, including oxidation ponds, aerated lagoons, wetlands, irrigation of municipal effluent, milliscreens, and decentralised sewerage and are recognised for its innovation, cultural sensitivity and consultation skills in this area.

Water Supply

Our Water services include:

  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Water supply and treatment
  • Water reticulation, pumping and network modelling
  • Groundwater takes and bore pumping systems
Industrial and trade activities

Fraser Thomas has extensive experience in successfully obtaining Industry and Trade Activity consents for high risk activities such as scrap metal processing and vehicle dismantling sites. We design the stormwater treatment system, prepare Environmental Management Plans, prepare resource consent applications, undertake environmental auditing, design trade waste treatment systems and apply for trade waste consents.


Fraser Thomas has a wealth of experience in solid waste management (SWM), having provided a wide range of services to the industry over many years, both within NZ and overseas.

Our landfill experience is recognised both nationally and internationally, with Fraser Thomas providing engineering services to three major regional landfills within New Zealand.

Services offered include:

  • Integrated SWM Planning: baseline surveys; technical, economic, environmental and social analysis; community consultation; strategy and action plan development.
  • Composting Facilities, Refuse Transfer Stations, Resource Recovery Centres, Cleanfills and Landfills:
    • Site investigations (survey, geotech, environmental), concept and preliminary design
    • Resource consent applications,  assessment of environmental effects  and consultation
    • Providing expert witnesses and technical evidence at resource consent hearing
    • Detailed design, tendering, construction observation and certification
    • Facility management plans, capital and operating expenditure cost estimate
    • Operational advice and remedial works implementation
    • Peer review
  • Landfill leachate, stormwater and gas management.
  • Closed landfills, aftercare risk assessments, management plans, ongoing monitoring

Is your property nestled along the Auckland coastline, perched on a beach or a cliff? If so, and if it falls within an Area Susceptible to Coastal Instability and/or Erosion (ASCIE) as outlined by the Auckland Council GIS Viewer (Geomaps), your development or redevelopment plans might be subject to specific requirements. In this situation, the Council often requires an On-site Coastal Hazard Assessment report (according to GD10), which can significantly impact your proposed development or redevelopment endeavour. Drawing upon our expertise, we specialize in conducting meticulous assessments and creating comprehensive reports tailored for submission to the Council.


The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

Northland Regional Landfill – Puwera

Puwera landfill comprises a modern, engineered regional landfill facility serving the greater Whangarei area, whilst protecting the local environment.

Infrastructure Skills Training in Timor Leste

Fraser Thomas Ltd designed training programmes for Timor Leste to aid in infrastructure maintenance.

Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Landfill

The Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Landfill is a moderate size landfill, expanding into a major regional facility with an approximate 40-year lifetime.

Call us today to discuss your project

Auckland 09 278 7078

Tauranga 07 220 9277

Hawke’s Bay 06 211 2766

Christchurch 03 358 5936

Blenheim 03 428 3292

Nelson 03 222 1132