Pre-Purchase Due Diligence

For sites, that are not located within new subdivisions, it may be useful to undertake pre-purchase due diligence to identify any “fish hooks” for a given site, that may add to development costs.

Pre-Purchase Due Diligence

We can complete a variety of inspections to ensure peace of mind when purchasing a new site.

Geotechnical Engineering

We undertake desktop and field investigations to provide indicative foundation options for a given site, and identify any potential issues that may affect the site, including uncontrolled fill or historical slope instability. Often, the information collected at during the due diligence stage can then be collated and used to produce a geotechnical report in support of building consent.

Environmental Engineering

We can undertake Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) or Detailed Site Investigations (DSI) to establish any contamination issues that would need to be remediated, should the site be purchased and developed. 

Structural Engineering

This includes an Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA) for potentially earthquake prone buildings.

Survey and Civil Engineering

This will include initial assessments of District Plan requirements for subdivision, for example, whether stormwater and wastewater requirements are able to be met for a given piece of land if these requirements are unable to be met for the proposed number of lots, then subdivision may not be viable.


The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

16 Lot Residential Greenfields Subdivision

Fraser Thomas Ltd was approached to provide services to complete a 16 lot residential subdivision in Flatbush, Auckland.

Anakiwa House

This development comprised of three sections, a main dwelling, a garage and a workshop, with Fraser Thomas providing structural and geotechnical engineering design, and surveying services.

Artificial Sports Fields – Crum Park

Crum park has been used as a sports ground since the 1970s and was in need of an upgrade to the synthetic field and extension to the tennis court area.

Call us today to discuss your project

Auckland 09 278 7078

Tauranga 07 220 9277

Hawke’s Bay 06 211 2766

Christchurch 03 358 5936

Blenheim 03 428 3292

Nelson 03 222 1132