Subdivision and Land Development

Our Subdivision and Land Development work draws on multi-disciplinary expertise.

This enables us to provide our clients with a high quality of service under one roof, making the development process more seamless, and giving you greater value for money.

Subdivision and Land Development

We regularly work with external experts in other disciplines, to put together teams that can provide clients with a “one-stop shop” for the services required to complete your subdivision or land development project.


Fraser Thomas have extensive experience in subdivision design from small residential 2 lot projects up to large commercial developments of 200 lots. When designing subdivisions there are many factors to be considered including:

  • Infrastructure
  • Stormwater management systems
  • Roading, pavements and access ways
  • Lot size and shape
  • Street design

We understand what it takes to conceptualise, design, consent and build residential developments and we have the track record to prove it.

Over the years, we’ve provided engineering and surveying services for urban, rural-residential and rural subdivisions in greenfields areas; terrace housing and apartment developments in existing urban brownfields areas; retirement villages in Auckland.

We’re familiar with the intricacies of getting consents for subdivision and changes of land use associated with urban intensification and/or rezoning through the Council system.

We’ve kept pace with and often been at the forefront of the latest thinking in residential land development, including urban design, working with the landform, low impact stormwater, and decentralised sewerage.


Commercial/Industrial land development presents many challenges.

These include brownfields areas where there may be geotechnical and contamination issues to work through, as well as infrastructure constraints and possible reverse sensitivity issues with neighbours.

Gaining consent can feel like navigating a minefield, requiring high level skills, experience and often multiple specialist inputs. We have the team and experience to get your commercial/industrial project across the line, ranging from mixed use, multi-unit and multi-story retail/business developments, storage facilities, inland ports, manufacturing and processing facilities, to heavy industry including Industrial and Trade Activity consenting.


We believe recreational projects are about creating spaces that people will know, use and love.

We have considerable experience of providing engineering, surveying and contaminated land expertise, typically working with landscape architects and others as leaders of multidisciplinary teams, on creating new parks, sportsfields and reserves, or upgrades of existing facilities. Generally, these projects attract considerable community interest, and consultation with stakeholders can be challenging but rewarding, resulting in a better facility than originally designed.

We’re skilled at juggling community aspirations, budgets and funding streams, which sometimes mean these projects must be staged, requiring a flexible approach to implementation. We’ve come across these and other challenges on many of our recent recreational projects.

Health, Education, Community

Health, education and community land development projects involve creating special environments.

These projects are not only fit for purpose, but create spaces that people feel a part of. Generally, these projects are led by architects with a strong vision of what they want to achieve, with the engineers’ role being to turn these dreams into reality, addressing issues such as the structural and seismic design of foundations and buildings; providing for water, stormwater, wastewater, waste and utilities; providing pedestrian paths, vehicle access and parking, etc.

We’ve worked through and solved such issues on a diverse range of institutional projects, including daycare, schools, technical colleges and universities, healthcare facilities and religious facilities – both churches and temples.

Auckland Unitary Plan – Infill Development Opportunities

The Auckland Unitary Plan has opened up considerable infill land development opportunities. The Unitary Plan has simplified the residential zones throughout Auckland with six zones created to allow for different levels of housing intensity.

The residential zones which allow for infill development opportunities include the following:

  • Single house zone
  • Mixed housing suburban zone
  • Mixed housing urban zone
  • Terrace housing and apartment buildings zones.

If your property falls within one of the above residential zones then there may be opportunity to complete an infill development. This may only be limited to one additional dwelling depending on the zoning, area of your property and the ability to service the property.

Fraser Thomas can complete a desktop assessment of your property to provide you with a summary of any potential infill opportunities. Should a more detailed assessment be required to assess the opportunities we can provide you with a comprehensive services offer covering the provision of planning, surveying and engineering services.


The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

16 Lot Residential Greenfields Subdivision

Fraser Thomas Ltd was approached to provide services to complete a 16 lot residential subdivision in Flatbush, Auckland.

Residential Development, Papakura

These 4 single storeys dwellings at 40 Kelvin Road, Papakura is one of the many residential developments in which the Fraser Thomas team has provided consultancy services.

Swan Road Developments, Te Kauwhata

This 8.73 ha site at 25 Swan Road, Te Kauwhata, was developed into a 95 lot residential subdivision in which Fraser Thomas provided their expertise.

Call us today to discuss your project

Auckland 09 278 7078

Tauranga 07 220 9277

Hawke’s Bay 06 211 2766

Christchurch 03 358 5936

Blenheim 03 428 3292

Nelson 03 222 1132