

The team at Fraser Thomas provide expert support at every stage of your project

Kaiteriteri House – Lot 3

This highly architectural development was structurally akin to a commercial building in both magnitude and construction materials.

KFC Kaiapoi

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are a well-known fast-food chain, and Fraser Thomas has been involved with the development of one of the newest stores, located in Kaiapoi, Canterbury.

MDC Hockey Pavilion

This new two-storey commercial building featured concrete block construction on the ground floor and a large open plan area on the first-floor level.

Kaiteriteri House – Lot 2

This development is a new architecturally designed 3-storey split level townhouse/apartment set into the steep hillside of Kaiteriteri, built using a mixture of concrete block masonry retaining walls, suspended concrete floors, steel purlins, and timber framed construction.

Rarangi Beach House

The design works for this project incorporated collaborative geotechnical and structural engineering services for a complex two-storey residential dwelling, detached garage, and sleep-out.

Longbeach Bay Boatshed

Winner of Nelson/Marlborough region Small Project Architecture award from the NZ Institute of Architects (NZIA).

Longbeach Bay Annex

This development involved collaboration between our in-house geotechnical and structural engineering teams to develop a single storey annex, located just off the beachfront of the Queen Charlotte sound.

Anakiwa House

This development comprised of three sections, a main dwelling, a garage and a workshop, with Fraser Thomas providing structural and geotechnical engineering design, and surveying services.

MOTAT Carpark and Cycleway/Walkway

Situated atop the former Motions/Meola landfill, Fraser Thomas assisted with the design of a new carpark area and upgrade of an internal access road, along with associated stormwater drainage and water reticulation line upgrade, for the Museum of Transport and Technology.

Hawke’s Bay

Our Hawke's Bay office is developing a solid reputation in the region, with Civil, Structural, Geotechnical, and Environmental Engineering and Surveying services; discover how we can assist your project today!

Tonle Sap Lowlands Rural Development

The Tonlé Sap Lowlands Rural Development Project included extensive improvements to irrigation infrastructure, rural roads, community administration, health centre and school buildings, and training in livelihood skills for communities that use the infrastructure.

Opaheke Sports Park – Water Supply System

Fraser Thomas were engaged by Auckland Council to design, consent and project manage the construction of the Opaheke sports park, comprising an extensive sports park on the outskirts of Papakura.

Climate Resilient Rice Commercialisation Sector

Rice has traditionally been the mainstay of the economy and a major export commodity, however as a result of decades of civil strife, infrastructure upkeep and knowledge has fallen behind while Cambodia’s neighbours have substantially modernized systems of production and crop handling.

Te Whāriki Subdivision

This 350-Lot subdivision in Lincoln required numerous challenges to be addressed during the design and construction phases, and offers residents more than just a home.

Watercourse Remediation

Watercourse remediation to improve stream stability and reduce erosion of a hillside.

South Tarawa Water Supply Project

Design of a desalination plant and distribution network.

Port Vila Integrated Urban Improvements Project

Fraser Thomas were involved in development strategy and planning for the upgrade of infrastructure in Port Vila.

Road Rehabilitation in Kiribati

Design and supervision of the main road in South Tarawa. This involved factors such as climate change and unexploded ordnance from World War II.

Asbestos Management Plan – Asset and Liability Management

Fraser Thomas Ltd is fully qualified to undertake IP402 asbestos assessments and complete asbestos management plans.

New Samoan Consulate Complex

This Consulate building and associated Fale is situated in the Mangere Town Centre. The Government of Samoa engaged Fraser Thomas to provide surveying and engineering services.

Infrastructure Skills Training in Timor Leste

Fraser Thomas Ltd designed training programmes for Timor Leste to aid in infrastructure maintenance.

Basic Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth, Viet Nam

This project covered a framework for Vietnam to target infrastructure development in poorer provinces.

Rural Development Programme, Myanmar

Fraser Thomas Ltd managed, designed and monitored the upgrade to a rural road network in Myanmar.

Kaikohe Closed Landfill, Lindvart Park

An investigation into Lindvart Park closed landfill to assess the health/environmental risk and provide advice on potential recreational uses.

Stormwater Improvements – Mangere

Stormwater improvements for Auckland Council to mitigate flooding issues on Koru Street in Mangere.

Vihara Temple Development – Auckland Khmer Buddhist Association

Fraser Thomas provided an array of engineering design for a new Vihara Temple complex at 455 Porchester Road, Takanini.

Bug Lab Exhibition Design & Certification, Auckland Zoo

Auckland Zoo created an interactive exhibition known as the ‘Bug Lab’ which opened at the Zoo on the 20th of December 2017.

Rural Infrastructure Project, Cambodia

The Rural Infrastructure Programme (RIP) is a Cambodian-German Financial Cooperation programme to contribute to rural economic and social development.

16 Lot Residential Greenfields Subdivision

Fraser Thomas Ltd was approached to provide services to complete a 16 lot residential subdivision in Flatbush, Auckland.

Swan Road Developments, Te Kauwhata

This 8.73 ha site at 25 Swan Road, Te Kauwhata, was developed into a 95 lot residential subdivision in which Fraser Thomas provided their expertise.

Flood Assessment Reporting

Fraser Thomas provides designs, advice and recommendations to protect your property from the risk of flooding.

Colin Dale Park – Motorsport Development

Development of Colin Dale Park as a world class Motorsports Venue in Prices Road, Puhinui.

Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) – Contamination Issues

Fraser Thomas has extensive experience in the investigation and remediation of contaminated land. Contaminated land needs to be managed or remediated to protect people and the environment.

Sprott Road Housing Development

Engineering and surveying services were provided to support the subdivision and construction of three new townhouses in Kohimarama.

Church Development, Ashburton

Fraser Thomas supported the application for Resource Consent for a proposed meeting house (Church) in Ashburton.

Composting Facility – Hampton Downs

Hampton Downs' proposed composting operation at the North Waikato Regional Landfill, in the Waikato region.

Residential Building Design and Construction

Fraser Thomas can offer structural engineering design and a variety of expertise to assist residential developments, including both single and multi-storey developments.

Artificial Sports Fields – Crum Park

Crum park has been used as a sports ground since the 1970s and was in need of an upgrade to the synthetic field and extension to the tennis court area.

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery – Big Picture Issues

Fraser Thomas has extensive involvement in the Canterbury earthquake reconstruction.

Northland Regional Landfill – Puwera

Puwera landfill comprises a modern, engineered regional landfill facility serving the greater Whangarei area, whilst protecting the local environment.

Decentralised Sewerage – Low Pressure Sewer Systems

Fraser Thomas provides design solutions for your property when you have issues connecting directly into the main sewer.

Colin Dale Park Motorsport Development – Water Supply

Fraser Thomas provided their services to help create a water supply for Auckland Councils developing Colin Dale Park (CDP).

Geotechnical Assessments of Sites Affected by the Canterbury Earthquakes

Following the Canterbury sequence of earthquakes, Fraser Thomas has been involved in undertaking geotechnical investigations and appraisals for properties in Christchurch.

Residential House – Expansive Soil Damage Remediation

When you find large cracks appearing in your walls you know something is wrong. With suburbs expanding outwards, construction over poor soils occurs more often and may result in movement in the structure.

Septage Study – Rarotonga

A four-year ‘Sanitation Upgrade Programme’ (SUP), with the overall aim of protecting and improving the quality of streams, groundwater and lagoons.

Low Impact Stormwater Design

Fraser Thomas has undertaken the design and supervision of a wide variety of low impact and water sensitive stormwater management solutions

Forensic Investigation and Remedial Works – Arkles Bay

Fraser Thomas undertook a Forensic investigation of an existing house at Arkles Bay, subject to significant geotechnical and stormwater issues as well as providing multi-disciplinary engineering services.

Opaheke Sports Fields, Papakura

Auckland Council – Community Facilities developed a sportsfields on a large site at 165 Opaheke Road, Papakura – the Opaheke Sports Park.


Cleanfill is often composed of natural materials that when buried will have no adverse effect on people or the environment.

Commercial/Industrial Building Design and Construction

Fraser Thomas undertakes various works for a wide range of commercial and industrial developments throughout New Zealand.

Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Landfill

The Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Landfill is a moderate size landfill, expanding into a major regional facility with an approximate 40-year lifetime.

Proposed Redevelopment – Tamakae Reserve

The Tamakae Reserve Wharf Upgrade project proposes to add both new and redesign existing features to re-engage the public with the Tamakae Reserve

Stormwater Management Report – Fernleigh Business Park

Fraser Thomas prepared a Stormwater Management Report for the Franklin District Council (FDC) and Fernleigh Business Park (FBP), an 87ha rural area located in the east of the Waiuku ICMP catchment.

Enga Hydropower – Papua New Guinea

Fraser Thomas was engaged to complete a prefeasibility study for Hydro-power in Papua New Guinea, as they face huge challenges in providing electrical power to its substantial and rapidly growing rural population.

Contamination Site Remediation – Norana Ave

A former horticultural site on the southern side of the Manukau Harbour that was investigated for contamination then remediated as per local, regional, and national guidelines.

Impact Damage Remediation – Dairy, Kirkbride Road

Following damage sustained to the front of this dairy in Mangere, Fraser Thomas provided design and construction supervision services required to remediate the building.

Countryside Living Development

A proposed lifestyle block development comprising 26 large houses on a 92ha site in a rural area of East Auckland.

Retirement Village – Botany Road, Howick

A Retirement Living Developer selected Fraser Thomas for various works of a 45 Unit Retirement Village on Botany Road, Howick

CMA Scrap Metal Recycling

Fraser Thomas provided engineering services to CMA Scrap Metal Recycling, a processing facility in Onehunga that processes 600 tonnes of metal per day.

Residential Development, Papakura

These 4 single storeys dwellings at 40 Kelvin Road, Papakura is one of the many residential developments in which the Fraser Thomas team has provided consultancy services.