16 Lot Residential Greenfields Subdivision

Fraser Thomas Ltd was approached to provide services to complete a 16 lot residential subdivision in Flatbush, Auckland.

16 Lot Residential Greenfields Subdivision

Fraser Thomas Ltd were approached to provide surveying and geotechnical engineering services to complete a 16 lot residential subdivision in Flatbush, Auckland.

The property of about 8200m2 was to be subdivided to include an 885m2 area of stormwater drainage reserve which would be owned and maintained by the Auckland Council. The design for the subdivision was then determined around the stormwater drainage reserve. The 16 residential lots varied in size from 150m2 to 750m2 with two additional lots designated as shared accessways.


The project had some challenges given the extent of earthworks required to be completed and the large number of timber pole and concrete retaining walls required to retain the cut batters associated with forming level building platforms for the proposed development. These challenges required the need for good communication with the contractor, geotechnical engineers and the civil engineers. The existing overland flowpaths within the site required close attention to detail for the land transfer survey to ensure the required easements were covering the extents of the predicted flows.


Fraser Thomas Geotechnical Engineers observed bulk earthworks which involved monitoring and testing ground conditions following site subgrade strip, and during placement of engineered fill. Observation was also completed of gully much out of unsuitable material; installation of stormwater pipelines drainage. A Geotechnical Completion Report was prepared on completion of earthworks.


The Surveying services provided were to complete the land transfer survey following the completion of the civil works to allow separate certificates of titles to issue for the 16 residential lots.

Services Provided:

  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Subdivisions & Land Development


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